
MİTAŞ Bolts follows an integrated corporate sustainability management approach regarding its social, environmental and economic aspects for a sustainable future.

In line with this approach, the company; considers issues including environment, social responsibility, business ethics, occupational health and safety, corporate governance and quality as vital for sustainability. The principles specified in the United Nations Global Compact provide a general framework for the sustainability attitude of MİTAŞ Bolts.

Every year, the company is actively involved in corporate social responsibility projects and sponsorships that support education, culture and arts and encourage innovation.

MİTAŞ Bolts extends its responsibilities in sustainability issues not only to its own employees and operations but also to all related parties. Therefore, efforts are made to implement and maintain sustainability activities such as environmental management, business ethics and anti-corruption rules, corporate governance practices and social responsibility, in order to ensure that they are involved in the same purpose with suppliers and other third parties.

Senior management regularly reviews progress in sustainability to further improve it.

A. Business Applications

Legal and Social Responsibility

We ensure that our actions comply with all applicable laws and regulations, and that these laws and regulations are within the meaning and intention. We ensure that our activities are free from suspicion and criticism and have no negative impact on society.

Relations with Government Agencies

We act in line with honesty, accountability and transparency in our relations with official authorities; We take care to present the information, documents and records requested for control and audit in accordance with the legislation, in full and on time.

In our dealings with government agencies, we make it clear that any form of bribery and corruption is unacceptable by our company and that we do not finance drug and gambling initiatives.

We comply with the laws and regulations on corruption, bribery, ethical and professional principles and universal rules in all countries where our company operates, and we show utmost care to comply with this policy.

Our statement on combating corruption and bribery includes all our employees, lawyers and external auditors, including the Board of Directors, subsidiaries and affiliates and their employees, companies and employees from whom we supply products or services, persons and organizations acting on behalf of the company, including consultants.

Relations with Customers, Suppliers and Professional Organizations

Serving customers is the focus of our business. We approach our customers with honesty, transparency and reliability.

We act with integrity and do everything possible to provide our customers with excellent service, directly or by supporting the work of other individuals or business units.

We provide our customers with complete, accurate and timely information about their rights and obligations. We take care to give clear explanations to them; we do not use exaggerated, misleading statements and do not provide incomplete or false information. We stay away from any behavior and attitude that would be perceived as a violation of customer rights.

We do not make promises to customers regarding products and services that we failed to fulfill. We keep our promises and do not allow credibility to be spoiled.

We explain the benefits, costs and potential risks of the products and services they use to our customers clearly and in a timely manner.

We resolve customer complaints as soon as possible and take necessary measures to prevent recurrence of such complaints.

Among our customers, race, gender, belief, religion, ethnicity, nationality, political opinion, age, disability, etc. we do not discriminate on matters. We do not engage in religious, political, ethnic or similar discussions with our customers.

Fair Competition

Provided that the secrets of customers and other companies are not violated; We exchange accurate, complete and understandable information with professional organizations within the scope of our companies' legislation and principles.

We acknowledge that it is unacceptable to intervene in free markets and try to distort the prices of products and vehicles in these markets or the competitive environment.

We act honestly and truthfully in our announcements and announcements, in accordance with legal regulations and public morality; We do not include statements or statements that offend other companies or products and services. We refrain from any action to harm their reputation and reputation.

We stay away from all kinds of practices that may cause unfair competition in personnel recruitment.

Conflict of Interest

Conflict of interest; We define it as an employee's self, relatives, companies or persons with whom they have relations taking a role or role in the business relationship with our companies, so that the employee's own interests and the company's interest or the emergence of such a perception.

Based on this definition, we abide by the basic principles regarding:

  • Non-commercial activities,
  • Corporate opportunities,
  • Commercial relations with the parties,
  • Personal business relations,
  • Charities, grants and contributions,
  • Gift acceptance,
  • Political activities and financial contributions.

However, we are aware that situations that may cause or be perceived as a conflict of interest are not limited to the above-mentioned issues. Thus, we evaluate our processes and actions on:

  • Whether it will be perceived as a conflict of interest by others and put us and our companies in a difficult situation,
  • whether it will affect our objectivity or be perceived as a violation of neutrality,
  • Whether our stakeholders will be adversely affected,
  • whether it will adversely affect our duties and responsibilities.

Charities, Grants and Contributions

We can join non-profit associations, foundations, cooperatives with professional organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce, Stock Exchange; however, we do not use the names, facilities and positions of our companies during our duties in non-profit organizations.

We never request donations or similar requests from customers or other employees, even on behalf of the association or various institutions.

We acknowledge that grants and donations are required to be approved by the competent authorities.

We ensure that our personal donations to nonprofits are confidential, voluntary, and not related to our business.

Gift Acceptance

We never accept gifts other than low priced, symbolic gifts from our customers, suppliers and other individuals and institutions. In particular, we do not accept gifts that could be perceived as influencing business decisions.

Laundering of Assets Arising From Crime

We are aware of our legal obligations and social responsibility regarding money laundering, terrorism financing and other crimes.

B. Workplace Environment

Human rights

Everyone stated in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights; living, being free, being safe, not being tortured and ill-treated, being treated equally and fairly, confidentiality of private life, settling and traveling, getting married, acquiring property, expressing thoughts and thoughts, participating in public administration with general and equal votes, organization We acknowledge that they have fundamental human rights such as equal enjoyment of their services, working under fair and equal conditions, rest and paid leave, social security, fair and equal education, participation in and benefiting from scientific, artistic and cultural activities, and rights of religion and conscience.

We strictly prohibit human rights violations related to our own activities, supply chain and products, such as slavery, forced labor, child labor, human trafficking and workplace abuse.

In this context, respect for human rights is our top priority.

Discrimination and Harassment

Our employees' race, gender, belief, religion, ethnic origin, political opinion, age, disability, etc. we do not allow discrimination and harassment on matters.

We do not force our employees to do personal jobs that are incompatible with their duties, powers and responsibilities.

We accept that career development is based on capacity and performance, and we act accordingly.

We do not allow workplace mobbing.

Security and Business Continuity

We ensure that everyone in our workplaces make the utmost effort to comply with all health and safety policies to ensure workplace safety.

We implement our business continuity plan to continue to meet the needs of our customers in the event of fire, natural disaster or other emergencies.

Protection Against Risks

We are aware that one of the most critical issues is effective risk management. We evaluate the possible consequences of our processes and the risks we undertake; We take care of our work to comply with general risk policies and risk management principles.

C. Corporate Information and Property Use

Trademark Usage

We recognize that our trademarks are one of the most valuable assets.

We accept the rules and practices regarding the use of these trademarks and as a rule we do not use the names, logos and trademarks of our companies outside of our work.

We do not cause the loss of reputation of our trademarks in our business and activities.

Corporate Information

We protect the confidentiality of our corporate information and prevent unauthorized access to ensure the sustainability of our operations and performance. We acknowledge that privacy and information security are also required by legal regulations and violations are subject to legal sanctions.

Conferences, panels, seminars etc. In organizations, we do not express any opinions on behalf of our company and do not disclose confidential information without the knowledge and consent of the relevant department.

Education, course, conference, seminar, panel etc. We do not disclose confidential information in organizations we attend outside of working hours such as; We do not allow our own ideas and opinions shared in negotiations and meetings to be perceived as those of our company.

We meet non-business, social / personal demands without using our company's name.

When data communication channels are highly developed, we act responsibly to ensure the security of information during this period.

Customer Information

We do not misuse customer information that we have due to our position.

We accept our responsibilities for maintaining the confidentiality of customer information; To ensure the security of such information and we do not share this information with anyone except legally authorized persons and institutions.

As data communication channels develop, we act responsibly to ensure the security of information during this period.

Other Information

We acknowledge that information about our employees, suppliers and stakeholders is private and confidential. We do not share such information with unauthorized persons, and we take the necessary measures to prevent unauthorized access to this information.

Internet and Social Media

We do not forget that we represent our companies while using the internet and social media. We do not interfere with any link that degrades or belittles our companies.

We comply with regulations such as copyright and fair use; We do not share written and visual content that is against the law, or contains criminal elements.

D. Community Participation

Environmental Commitment

We take care to use natural resources efficiently and to minimize the wastes arising from our processes.

We fully comply with environmental laws and regulations. We encourage our stakeholders to raise awareness on this issue, and we ask the companies we do business with to take the necessary measures in this regard.

We carry out activities to support recycling and reuse activities of our employees and stakeholders and to encourage awareness on this issue.

We cooperate internationally and support the policy of transparency to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

We prefer suppliers that work using social and environmentally friendly activity / production systems in purchasing products and services.

Sustainable Supply

In purchasing products and services, we prefer suppliers with social and environmentally friendly activity / production systems.

We expect our suppliers to conduct their relations with us on a fair and ethical basis and in accordance with our basic sustainability principles in this Code of Business Ethics.

Social Contribution

As an extension of sustainable development and social contribution, we implement social contribution activities in line with the needs and demands of the physical and social environment we are in; We develop social responsibility projects in the fields of culture, arts and education.

Political Activities and Financial Contributions

We do not actively participate in any political party or institution; We avoid any action that can be viewed as financial support to political parties.

E. Report Concerns

We open the following communication channels so that our employees and business partners can freely make the necessary notifications when they think there is a conflict between our standards and any applicable law, rule or regulation, or have questions about the legality of our behavior:

  • Communicating with the Corporate Compliance Officer
  • Contacting Local Compliance Officer
  • Reporting via Ethics Report Line on MİTAŞ Intranet
  • Complaint Boxes

Reports can be made anonymously. Anyone who retaliates against an employee who reports a concern will be subject to disciplinary action, including termination.